Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Winter is Coming

Winter is quickly closing in. The leaves are falling, grasses are dying back, animals are preparing to hibernate. Prana is less abundant. Winter is a period of dormancy is part of the natural cycle of the Earth. Because of this, winter is a difficult time to maintain your spiritual practice. This is not new information, but it is something we seldom think about. But if you keep awareness of the reasons you feel less spiritual, you can counteract these effects.

So, how do you make it through winter months without losing your energy and spirituality?

The best way to beat the winter blues is to stay focused on your spirituality by working on your sixth sense. The sixth sense is the bridge to dimensional consciousness and will provide you with concrete feedback and progress to get you through the winter months.

1. Practice psychic readings
This is a fun way to exercise your sixth sense and get out of the house! Go to a local coffee shop an practice psychic readings. Make a list of questions before you head out to make it easier to get started. Choose a person who looks like they will be sitting still for a few minutes and quickly answer all the questions on your sheet based on your first impression or feeling of the person.

When you approach the person to check your accuracy, say something like, “Hi, I'm not a psychic but I'm doing some research on the existence of psychic abilities, but I was wondering if you could look over my answers and see if I got anything correct?”

This takes the pressure off so you can have fun with it. Be sure to mark every correct or even partially correct answer as a hit. You will be amazed at how quickly you accuracy improves.

2. Investigate a haunted house
Most hauntings are reported in the winter months when the sun begins to hide behind clouds and the weather becomes damp and cold. Do some research on your town. Where are the notorious haunted locations? Winter is the ideal time to check them out.

Be respectful of rules and personal property. Don't break in after hours or trespass on private property for the sake of your investigation. On the other hand, if it is a hotel or other public business, don't be shy about asking to take a look around.

3. Assimilation

Practice your assimilation skills to expand your perceptions. We all tend to see things from a very human perspective. When you reach higher states of consciousness, you lose a lot of data because you have to bring that data down and process it through your human mind. Practicing assimilation will enhance your sixth sense and teach you a new language, the language of energy.

Assimilating animals is an easy and fun way to get started. Animals have the same five senses as humans, but they utilize their sensory differently than humans. For example, bats navigate and locate insects using sound. Cats can see in almost complete darkness. And butterflies have taste receptors on their feet. How does it feel to have different sensory?

4. Play cards
This is a fun way to improve your sixth sense on a snowy day. Shuffle a deck of cards and hold the deck face down. Now, try to sense whether the card on top of the deck is red or black. Go with your first instinct. Flip it over. Then make one pile of cards for correct guesses and one pile for incorrect guesses and see what your percentage is. When you practice with this, you will find that the number of cards that you “guess” correctly increases. This is a great way to visually see the effectiveness of your Sixth Sense.

When this becomes easy for you, increase the difficulty by trying to sense the suit of the card: hearts, diamonds, spades or clubs.

These exercises will help you get through the winter slump. Use them to keep up your spirituality and by the time spring arrives and prana once again reaches out for you, you will be surprised by how much you have advanced spiritually.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to Talk to a Ghost

In most cases we try to communicate with ghosts in the same way that we would talk to a neighbor. Many of us have learned this from Hollywood movies and television shows. Characters speak with ghosts in the same way that you would speak to a friend: with verbal communication. You will often hear phrases like: 'Give me a sign!' or 'Who are you?' or 'What do you want from me?'

So why doesn't this really work as a way to communicate with ghosts? When we verbalize a question to a ghost, we are assuming that they have ears to hear us with and vocal chords to respond with. But ghosts do not have physical bodies. The five senses we utilize do not apply to them. Ghosts speak a different language.

The Universal Language

Emotion is the Universal language. We receive messages through emotion all the time, but we rarely recognize it. The messages we receive are interpreted by the brain and become the thoughts and words that run through our heads.

If a ghost has a developed level of consciousness, it is able to project specific 'messages' or emotions to us. If the ghost projects a negative emotion, we may become scared. Alternatively, if the ghost projects a positive emotion, we may feel comforted or happy.

Obviously, that is a very general overview of how ghosts communicate with us. Human emotions range from joy to sadness to anger to envy and all the emotions in between. Emotions can become very complex, so it will take practice to fully understand what messages the ghost is sending you.

Verbal vs. Emotional Communication

Now we understand how ghosts communicate with us. But how do we communicate with a ghost? Often what people try to do is as a question verbally, such as 'Who are you?'

To communicate this using the language of emotion, the language that can be understood by ghosts, you must take the feeling of the question and broadcast that out. We often broadcast emotions, but seldom do it intentionally. For example, haven't you ever seen someone and just known that they are a happy, bubbly person? You know because they are broadcasting that emotion and you are picking up on it.

Steps Needed to Form an Emotional Sentence

Sit down and clear your mind. Now think of the question you want to ask the ghost. 'Who are you? What do you want?' Focus on the feeling behind the question.

If you have trouble with this practice with more concrete emotions. For example, what does joy feel like? Now what does anticipation feel like? Pay close attention to the feelings in your chest and how the feeling is different for different emotions. Now go back to your question. What is the feeling behind your question?

Once you have the feeling behind your question, exhale and imagine projecting that feeling outward.

Learn to Listen to this New Language

You do not speak to ghosts using verbal language and you don't listen to them with verbal though if you want to get the full and correct message. So how do you know what the ghost is communicating?

Listen by entering a state of non-thought. You may be thinking, how do I not think? Is that even possible?

Non-thought is not a state of not thinking, it is a mental state of thinking without words. When the constant stream of chatter in your head, what is sometimes called the Babbler, stops you will be able to pay attention to the more subtle forms of communication that you were not even aware of before: the language of emotion.

How to Listen in Non-thought

Sit down in a chair or on the floor. You want to be comfortable, but not so comfortable you fall asleep. Choose a location where you won't be disturbed for a few minutes. Eventually, you will be able to go into a state of non-thought at will, even with a lot of activity, but for now, we will start slow.

Take several deep breaths. Focus on the breath as you breath in and out. When you breath out imagine all of the negative emotions and worry leaving your body.

Focus on your breathing to keep your mind clear.

Now that your mind is clear, pay attention to what you are feeling around you. It is important to notice the feeling, but try not to analyze it or talk about it in your head.

Don't be too hard on yourself! If you catch yourself talking in your head, simply take a breath to release the thoughts and begin again.

Interactions with ghosts and entities become possible as you master these new skills. As you develop the ability to enter non-thought at will and to create and project emotion, you will find that the possibilities for communication and learning are limitless.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Myths About the Sixth Sense

For many people, the sixth sense is nothing more than something seen on TV or in movies. Actually these are profound abilities that you can develop. This article will explore some of the misconceptions and myths about the sixth sense.

You Are Either Born Psychic or You Aren't

Alison Dubois on the TV show Medium has premonitions in the form of dreams. But you weren't born with any abilities like that, so you will never be psychic, right?

But is that really true?

The fact is: everyone was born with sixth sense abilities. The problem is that many of us lost touch with that sensory. Maybe because it was discouraged by your religion, your family or your teachers. Maybe you just got caught up in life and forgot. But remember, while psychic abilities come easily to some people, for many of us the sixth sense is an elusive, forgotten thing. With a little effort, you can reactivate that sensory and experience psychic abilities yourself.

You Only Have One Ability

Perhaps you are skilled in telepathy. Or maybe you have premonitions and visions. Or you are a medium and communicate with entities. People who are psychic only have one ability. Right?

Just like anything else, we all have talents and interests. Things that come easier to us than other things. But if you can master one psychic ability, you can master others. It is just a matter of devoting time and effort to practicing new skills.

The Sixth Sense is All About Talking to Ghosts

This misconception comes from movies such as The Sixth Sense and TV shows like the Ghost Whisperer. Characters see ghosts in human form and have conversations with them as if they were simply speaking to an invisible friend.

But is that really what the sixth sense is all about? No.

First of all, ghosts are … well, ghosts. They don't have a physical body, vocal chords, ears. So while the sixth sense can allow you to communicate with ghosts or entities, it is not in the way that is portrayed in movies.

Any yes, this sensory can potentially allow you to talk to ghosts, but the sixth sense is so much more than that. Developing the sixth sense is about developing a new sensory or language. It is what will allow you to communicate with the Universe.

For many people, the sixth sense and psychic abilities feel like they are just out of reach. But everyone is capable of developing this sensory with a little time and effort.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Should You Develop the Sixth Sense?

The Sixth Sense is something that is usually misunderstood. Many see it simply as intuition. And it is as you are first developing your Sixth Sense. You will find that you have an inner knowing, a sense of direction that you never had before. You might find that time after time you are in the right place at the right time.

Others see the Sixth Sense as it is portrayed as a 'super-power' in Hollywood movies. Characters will have incredible psychic powers, premonitions and mind control. In fact, the Sixth Sense includes all of those things. You can develop your intuition and other abilities such as telepathy. But the Sixth Sense is much more than that. When you learn to turn your Sixth Sense abilities inward, you will discover that the true power of the Sixth Sense is that:

The Sixth Sense is the missing link to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Most schools of thought view the Sixth Sense and spirituality as two separate and unrelated paths. In fact, in most spiritual and religious organizations, developing the Sixth Sense is actively discouraged. And yet it is the component that allows you to jump into higher states of consciousness.

Eric Pepin of Higher Balance Institute spent much of his childhood doing incredible psychic work and found through personal experience that these abilities allowed him to develop spiritually and leap into higher states of consciousness.

He discovered what the other schools of thought have been missing. Our five senses: sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing, do not allow us to directly perceive God or the Universe. They limit us to this physical dimension. The Universe is energy and in order to perceive this energy, to communicate with it, the Sixth Sense is needed.

The Sixth Sense is still a part of your organic body and is as natural as the other five senses. So, while real life may not be like Hollywood, you will still find that developing your Sixth Sense will lead you to experience some pretty profound abilities and phenomenon. But more importantly, the Sixth Sense will give you the tools to 'speak' the language of energy, the language of the Universe.

As you to master this new language, you will bridge the gap to developing Multi-Dimensional Consciousness. The old spiritual masters have all said that 'Life is an Illusion.' The Sixth Sense is what gives you the ability to see past the illusion. It allows you to see the programs that create reality the same way the spiritual masters of the past have done.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

3 Quick Exercises to Keep Your Sixth Sense Strong

Activating your sixth sense or intuitive sense will improve the flow of your life. You will find that you have an inner knowing of what decisions you should make. For example, maybe one day you decide to follow your intuition to a new restaurant for lunch. And that day you meet someone who helps you to land a new job, one that you really love and allows you to make a lot more money than you made at your last job.

The Sixth Sense will also be what propels your spiritual development forward. But as we all know, life events tend to pull us away from our spirituality. Here are a few quick exercises that you can practice in 10 minutes or less that will keep you connected to your sixth sense.

1. Practice seeing auras
Seeing the aura is an easy, fast and fun way to stay connected to your sixth sense. As you become better with seeing auras, you will learn to see energy on a consistent basis, automatically keeping you connected to your sixth sense. And this is a technique that can be practiced anywhere. Practice at work or school, at the grocery store or when you go out to dinner.

2. Take a Walk
This may not sound like a “sixth sense activity” but remember that using your sixth sense requires energy or prana. If you feel drained, it is unlikely you will be able to use your sixth sense. Take a quick walk on your lunch break with this in mind. If you are near a park, take advantage of it, but most of us don't have access to a park, especially when we only have a few minutes. But that is okay! Use the sounds on the street and view it as music for your walk. Find the beauty of the city and use it to recharge.

3. Manifestation

No matter what your situation, there is always something that you want to improve or change. Manifestation has become almost solely a technique for making more money. But why not apply it to your spirituality and sixth sense? Manifest a new experience or skill. Perhaps you want to be able to see energy or reach new levels in your meditations or improve your health.

Here are a few tips to get you started. Imagine the feeling that you will have when you have this new experience or skill and use this feeling for your manifestation. After your manifestation, move onto other things. Continuously thinking about your manifestation will prevent you from having the experience.

Spend as much time as you want on any of these exercises, but any of them can be completed in only 10 minutes. You will be surprised by how much of a difference just a few minutes each day will make in developing your sixth sense.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Manifestation Doesn't Work

Manifestation has become a popular topic since movies such as “The Secret” have been released. Sure, there are people out there who have no problem manifesting anything they desire. But how many people do you know personally who have successfully manifested the life of their dreams? Not very many. So what are the reasons that manifestation doesn't work?

Are you asking for a million dollars by next month when you are currently only making $30,000 a year? Is it possible to make that transition in a month? Sure. Maybe you win the lottery, maybe you cash in on a forgotten investment or maybe you receive an inheritance. Sure, it's possible. But is it believable? If not, re-work your manifestation because if you don't believe it will happen, you are canceling out your own manifestation.

Too Specific

When you are manifesting, it is important to find a balance between general and specific desires. When you are manifesting, you are co-creating with the Universe, so you must give the Universe variables or possibilities to work with. For example, imagine you are manifesting a new relationship. Sit down and think about what you want from the relationship and give the Universe characteristics to work with. Lay out they physical and personality characteristics you desire and then allow the Universe to find the person that is most compatible and put them in your path.

An example of being too specific would be to manifest a relationship with a particular person. It is not right to manipulate a person into a relationship they do not want to be in. Trust the Universe to find the best person for you based upon the variables you lay out.

Other People
The mind is a very powerful tool and if you were living in an isolated environment, you could easily manifest anything you want. But we live in a world with millions of people who also want things. This is why it is not as easy to manifest our every desire as we have been led to believe. You are a part of the collective.

Thinking About Your Manifestation
If you continuously think about your manifestation, this is sending the message that you don't believe that your manifestation is effective. So rather than manifesting what you want, you are manifesting an ineffective manifestation.

Manifestation is a valuable tool and can help you with your life and your spirituality if used correctly. If you avoid these common mistakes, your will find your manifestations instantly improving.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Are Hallucinogenics Worth the Price?

Many people have commented that the experiences that can be achieved with the spiritual techniques taught by Higher Balance Institute sound like something can be achieved with far less effort using hallucinogenic drugs such as Ayahuasca. In fact, hallucinogens do have a lot to offer the seeker. The real question is, are you willing to pay the price? Or are you even aware there is a price?

The hallucinogenic experience, as tempting and convenient as it was, is a quick fix and had ramifications on the biological brain and more importantly the dimensional mind. I have often referred to hallucinogens as “door openers.” Imagine a door and frame standing in distance. This represents a doorway for your mind, the threshold representing newer possibilities. The other side represents the much desired unknown. You open the door and BAM! You are flooded with massive details, colors and experiences.

Now you have this amazing experience. But there’s a catch. The experience still must be processed through your organic brain. What this means is that no matter what you experienced, the brain must identify with tagging so that you can relate to it. Anything you cannot tag, which is 99%, is washed out. Some will hold real meaning and growth for you, and others can deeply scar you.

So now you’re left with a sliver of experiences that may ‘seem’ like an abundant amount of fresh knowledge. Unfortunately as I said earlier the brain has already filtered much out. What you are able to hold onto becomes like a dream memory and quickly begins to evaporate from your conscious memory. So once again, you are left with a very small amount of reward for your efforts.

Not to mention, most hallucinogenic effects, “The Trip”, last about 8-12 hours for the main experience. Like a bell curve chart starts slowly and increases intensity, reaches a peak and then slowly tapers down. Good luck if you want to get off the ride half way in; you can’t exactly stop it without medical assistance. Think of it as a roller coaster. Can you jump off a roller coaster half way through if you change your mind?

Now, remember the door, or more importantly the frame of the door. Each time you go through it using hallucinogens, you’re not turning the door handle and opening it with respect so as to not damage it. Instead you have just kicked it open forcefully then slammed it shut. The damages are not seen at first but it does not take long before this form of opening and closing heavily damages it.

Remember what the door represents. No one thinks about the door. For those seeking altered states of consciousness these types of experiences are really exciting! We have spent our entire lives trying to awaken and these slivers, these Hallucinogenic experiences are extremely tempting and in most ways appear to be our salvation.

Your doorway, in a brief amount of time, will be unwittingly, destroyed. You had your fun and now you really need that door to open so you can serve the Universe. The problem is now it is stuck in the frame or stuck wide open and cannot be closed. Sure, an open door to the Universe doesn't sound like a bad thing. It sounds like enlightenment, right? Ha! When the door closes and opens, it is capable of going to different frequencies or dimensions. When you destroy the doorway, you are stuck on one floor. That sucks! Now, take a hard look at people who have crossed this river on many occasions. Look deeply in their eyes and you will find what you fear most, a different type of “deep sleep.” Is the experience really worth the price?

Learn and grow. Become the reed in the wind. Patience. You may think you are moving ever so slowly but truth be told you are moving dramatically fast. Recall where you were before, then pat yourself on the back and say good work.

Guard your doorway and keep it well tuned so that it will serve you well and truly at your will. You only get one doorway, nothing more.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Who Are You?

Do you know who you really are? You are an energy being living in a physical body. Reflecting on who and what you are frees you. As Lao-Tzu said in the sixth century, “It is wisdom to know others; It is enlightenment to know one's self.”

Your thoughts, the things that you experience in your life, are what makes your frequency. Your energy. If you experience and you reflect and do negative things, your tonal is never rich enough or high enough because it’s electrical.

Everything you smell is turned into electricity. Everything you hear is turned into electricity. Everything you taste is turned into electricity. Everything about your physical body is designed to convert this dimension into a format that you can absorb. Because what are you?

You’re an energy being more or less.

You’re an energy being that is existing within a physical body made of living organisms. Not one part of what you think physically is you... is you. It’s other living organisms that are symbiotically working with you.

You’re simply the energy. They are saying, okay, we’re going to work with you. We’re going to kind of do what you want. And, believe me, not everything you want is really from you. Half of what you want is the will of all of these millions of organisms, and this brain that has its own personalities in there too.

The reality is finding out who you are inside of all of this. Most people never discover that. They remain automated. And that’s what is called a 'Sleeper'.

Sleepers are people who just simply function in life and do their job, do their role, live life. A person who is awakened is someone who acknowledges that this is not completely who they are. They look at their hands and they open them and close them and they realize that it’s a machine.

They realize that inside is bones like sticks, and on top of that is clay, that is muscle. It has electrical nerves that stimulate the muscles to expand and retract. The expansion and retraction is only machinery. It’s only a device to explore this dimension.

If we were to remove ourselves from this organism, all of this flesh and matter, what would we be? We would be energy.

Would we have ears to hear sound in this dimension? No. Would we have nasal glands to smell in this dimension? No. Would we have eyes to see the structural detail of this dimension? No. We don’t have eye cones to transform the light and the shadow that bounce into our retinas. So we could not experience this dimension if it wasn’t for this organism that’s designed to hold our electrical energy.

By holding the electrical energy, it is here to transfer the information of this dimension into electrical data, which is what we are. It’s like little raindrops into a bucket. Everything you smell, everything you hear, everything you taste, everything you feel is converted for you as an electrical being to add to what you are.

That in itself becomes a frequency. It’s like a tuner or a channel, a radio station’s specific signal. You are doing a watermark on what kind of a being you are. The more you understand will determine what kind of frequency you begin to radiate. That allows you to have access to moving into these other lanes (higher states of consciousness).

So the more that you can conceive, the more that you realize what you are, the more that you reflect that there is more to life than what you see on the surface through your five senses that you begin to develop a sixth sense because it is a sense of knowing. That sense of knowing harnesses other ways of understanding life beyond this dimension. So your frequency is based upon what it is you can comprehend, what it is you can understand.

Just by this conversation alone with you – is called shifting. Because your mind is reflecting more on what it is and what it’s not. And the more that you reflect of what you are, the more you become of that. And the more you become that, the more conscious you are of what you really are and thus reality around you begins to change.

It is the first doorway, which is closest to the frequency of this world. To learn more, listen to the Higher Balance Foundation.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wax On, Wax Off: Tips for a Spiritual Breakthrough

When was the last time you listened or read something that really struck you, really spoke to you, and then the next day couldn't remember what it was? Have you ever wondered how you can begin to hold onto this knowledge?

It's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of energy. When you don't have enough energy and when you don't have a good solid framework from the basics on up from your brain to your mind... these things will slip from you.

If you find things are slipping from your head, here are a few things to consider:

1) Consistency and frequency

Ask yourself if you are being consistent. Little short meditations on a daily basis is better than a few really long ones every few days. It's about keeping yourself there. And it's not just meditation but how many times during the day are you waking yourself up? Looking at auras? Or thinking about energy? Even simple stuff works.

2) The Simple Stuff

Ask yourself what you're listening to or experiencing that is slipping away from you. Maybe you aren't ready for it. Maybe you are too eager to get to the “big stuff” and don't realize the “big stuff” is often inside the “small stuff.”

Go back and reflect on the ground level courses like the Foundation, Ties that Bind, Struggle to Awaken or Unveiled.

Do these things make sense to you? Have you mastered them in your mind and taken the time to reflect and see real examples of this in life? Often when you can see the truth of these things in some way if helps concrete them.

3) Start Small

When you meditate and do the work, the Universe is going to strengthen and fix what it needs to fix. Some people need more work on their basic emotions and human psychology before they can move on. If you are trying to ignore your basic “human” stuff and instead are reaching for the stars, guess what? You aren't going to get there.

Thankfully, the Universe knows this and usually puts the “human” stuff there first. Don't get frustrated because you aren't having big “spiritual” breakthroughs but you feel more relaxed and emotionally balanced. That IS a spiritual breakthrough. It's important to get a good foundation before you can reach the sky.

If you feel this is where you are, maybe you need to work with that process rather than trying to move around it. The obstacles you think are in front of you are nothing more than the baggage you've left dragging behind.